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operation did not complete virus windows 10 disable

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operation did not complete virus windows 10 disable

Computer viruses can be a safety hazard, and they can also cause system errors such as ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED. This error usually occurs after which the operation did not complete successfully because the file contained a virus message, and today we are going to show you how to fix this error on Windows 10.

operation did not complete virus

How to fix ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED error?


Solution 1 - Turn off Windows Defender

Using antivirus is more important, and Windows 10 comes with its own antivirus software called Windows Defender. For the most part, this is a solid antivirus, but some users have said that Windows Defender can cause this and other errors. To fix this problem, it is advisable that you turn off the Windows Defender completely. Before we showed you how to do this, you need to make sure that the file you are not trying to run is not malicious. If you are trying to run a file from a secure source, then it is not the most infected. To turn off Windows Defender, do the following:

Press Windows + + to open the Settings app.

After the Settings app opens, go to Update and Security section. Go to Windows Defender in the left pane and disable real-time protection in the right pane.

operation did not complete virus windows 10 disable

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After doing this, the Windows Defender will be disabled and you will be able to run the file without problems. Some users have said that this method will temporarily disable the Windows Defender, so it will be restarted shortly afterwards. To completely disable Windows Defender, you need to edit your registry. To do this, follow these steps

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